Sunday, December 21, 2008

Getting back into the swing of things. Some things I love!

There's nothing to say! I have no excuses, except that a whole ton of stuff has happened since I last wrote! I went to Europe for two weeks for work, moved in with my boyfriend, went to a three weddings and a funeral, took over for my boss while she's on maternity leave, but mostly it feels like my life has been consumed by the change in homestead. Just trying to make a new place feel like home is all-consuming.

In an attempt to get back on the bandwagon and get in a habit of writing regularly, let's do a little "Things I Love..." Probably, the whole gist of this blog is going to change in the next weeks. I'll start simple, though!

- IKEA! Um, there are of course the Swedish meatballs, but then of course there's the fact that you can spend hours there on a Saturday afternoon and fill your cart and check off a whole bunch of needs from your 'list.' That's a good Saturday in my book.

- Our Christmas tree. I've covered it in beautiful glass fruits, vegetables, flowers, bees, and a fireman. The fireman simply seems nostalgic to me. Did I once have a fireman ornament in my wee childhood? I don't remember, but he feels like he's been with me forever.

- Planning a party. I haven't had a real party at my own home for years. We're throwing a New Year's shindig that won't be crowded by any means, but we actually have about as many people as we think we can seat comfortably and a menu that makes our collective mouth water and tons of little candles and fun paper napkins.

- Clearing through my closet. I've got a clothing swap planned for January and am really into the idea of less is more, and trying to only keep the things that ACTUALLY work for me. All of the other stuff that I either never wear or wear when I'm feeling scruffy is just bunging up my view of my wardrobe as a whole. There's little I would like more than to just have things I absolutely love to wear in my closet. This means getting rid of the fancy silk designer shirt my grandmother gave me that just. doesn't. work.

AND... drinking a cold beer from a tiny glass; my new sheepskin that I've got draped over my molded plastic Eames eiffel chair; getting back into this!!; approaching the New Year ready to get some sh*t done, lists blazing; deciding what could make me feel the most like me, setting incremental goals and moving forward (is that the same thing? I don't care - I feel this churning determination starting up); Flight of the Conchords is starting up soon; The City is starting up soon - will it suck?; nearly being done paying off my credit card bills from too long ago; trying to get my mom to come over to see my place (she hasn't seen any of the places I've lived for a good eight years!); beginning my yoga routine again and making that gym membership worth it.

I can't imagine that anyone is out there now, but if you are, feel free to say hi!



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